Harmony Christian Ministries International

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Prayers and Hymns express our beliefs in an inspirational and Exciting way. On this page, We'll share some of our favorates.


The Lord's Prayer

Our Father, who art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy Name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done,
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts,
As we forgive our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
and the power,
and the glory,
for ever and ever.


Loving Father, I offer you everything I do this day -- my thoughts, works, joys and sufferings. I desire to join my heart this day to the heart of your Son, who gave himself up totally to your service and to the service of others. Give me your Spirit so that I can live like him, joined to his offering in the Eucharist.

What are your favorite prayers and hymns? Let me know and perhaps we'll  include them on this page with mine. Go to our contact page there are many ways to contat us! Blessings! Rev.Dr.Dirk E. Miles :



There are so many awesome Triditional hymns! Amazing Grace,Blessed Assurance, Softly and Tenderly! Holy Holy Holy Lord God almighty,The Old Rugged Cross! and so many more! In our Church services We do six each time once in a while more. there are over 30 that are among the ones we sing regularly! Rev.Dr.Dirk

Become an Ordained Pastor

Check this out today! http://www.thebreastcancersite.com

Missing Kids.Org

Laurens Kids.Org

We Serve God and We always will! With our hearts souls and minds!


Let Us Pray for you!Contact us by email regular mail or phone!