Harmony Christian Ministries International

Christian Poetry By Rev. Dirk Miles

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Speading faith through Poetry!

Share your faith
Share your faith with those you meet.
In a Church, a Coffee shop or on the street.
Shared faith is stengthend faith you see.
Go Forth my Brother and Sister let it be.
Seek the Lost bring them to the Lord you see.
As Christians this we should do yes sir ree.
Spread the word the good news where ever we can.
All God's Children to this say Amen! 
                    Rev. Dirk Miles

Below is a christian poem and explanation of the poem by a brother in Christ Chris Moss! It is my pleasure to share this! Blessgings!


 The sea is empty, there is no rain, the sea is empty and full of pain, its black and dead and filled with dread, it longs for water, it dream of a mend, it hopes in silence to hear the call: The call is power the call is All, the sea is searching, it fills the halls, with lights and flashes and a healing ration.

Chris Moss 
and to explain it, the sea is actually a soul longing for the holy spirit, the soul is dry, and full of pain, its without light and it is full of dread, the soul longs to be filled, it wants to be fixed(mended) and changed(amended) it is that emptiness inside of us we spend our whole lives trying to fill, some try to fill the that void with love, or drugs, but none of it will quench the spirit, nothing but the call, the call is when Jesus comes into our hearts and he knocks, the call fills us with a boldness for the lord, and when we open that door, its the flash of lightning before the heavens open up and fill the sea, it is that climax which takes away the black and is replaced by the light.

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